Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Here's a little ranty rant of mine since I'm feeling sorry for myself:

Why is the feeling never mutual?
Let me explain. I see guys around, and when I see a cute one I remember what they look like. And even not cute people. But then does it ever go the other way around?? Doesnt seem to be that way.
I am invisible to people. Unrecognizable.
Story of my life.
I never let people know that I'm in their class, because it seems to be that they have no idea I'm in their class. And its just plain embarrassing after awhile. And frustrating.
Maybe I'm just looking for an ego boost. I dont know. But I'm tired of being the one that recognizes other people, and they never see me.
And maybe the reason people dont know I'm in their classes is because I usually dont say much in class. But that doesnt explain why they dont recognize me any where else. And even the people in class that dont say much, I recognize. There are people I see everywhere! And I say oo, thats the guy I see on my way to class or something. BUUUT do they ever do that?! No!
And I know what my sisters/friends would say to me. Well, maybe some people do recognize you, but you never find out.
Well, to that I dont know what to say. I just wish I would know every so often. It would make me feel better. :)

Do you feel sorry for me?

The end.


  1. Most people don't like to mix their school lives and their lives outside school. Remember those awkward moments when you run into someone you barely know personally from work or school outside their "natural habitat"? Some relationships are developed strictly for the environment in which they develop.

    I'd say that your ability to notice people and place them is more a gift of yours rather than a deficiency in the observed or yourself. I know that I hardly ever approach people that I recognize not only for the aforementioned reason but also because I'm concerned that I may be wrong. I know that I myself have seen several people that remind me of Sarah Caulkins (of course, I'm in a totally different state, so I'm not likely to get you confused). :)

  2. I notice you....and think you're super awesome. (not just awesome....SUPER awesome).
